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    The 2 Minute Body Weight Circuit

    By Nick Hall

    Today’s workout is a 2 minute fat burning body weight circuit using only body weight exercises. This high intense interval training workout (HIIT) can be completed at home or outdoors without any equipment.

    Each circuit lasts for two minutes in which time you complete as many reps as possible in each 30 second time frame. Once the 30 second period is finished, you move onto the next exercise. Once you have completed the four exercises you can then rest for around 1-2 minutes before repeating the round. Repeat each round 3-4 times. This HIIT workout will last around 15 minutes.

    The exercises for today’s HIIT workout are
    – Burpees
    – Squats
    – High knees
    – Push ups

    View an example of the workout below:

    The idea of this HIIT workout is to complete as many reps as possible in each 30 second time frame.


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