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    A Gym in One Piece of Equipment

    Nick KettlebellWhen a new client begins on a body transformation program, in addition to training sessions with myself I always provide the client with 15 minute training sessions to complete in their own time.  As the majority of my clients are busy professionals or time poor parents, attending a gym on a regular basis isn’t always an option. Not to mention the idea of attending a busy commercial gym isn’t appealing to a lot of people.

    What is the solution?  One piece of equipment.  A kettlebell.

    The kettlebell is one of the most versatile and convenient pieces of equipment you can ever own.  You can add resistance to all of the primary movements of push, pull, lunge, squat, bend and twist with this small piece of equipment.  Kettlebells are also ideal for interval training workouts


    In terms of size, a kettlebell is roughly the same size as a standard kettle and takes up little space.  In terms of space required in your home to complete a full body workout, a small bedroom or living room is sufficient.

    For an investment you can also purchase an adjustable kettlebell which you can increase up to 32kg.

    To complete an effective kettlebell workout, all you need is a minimum of 15 minutes.  I provide all of my clients with a workout e-book that contains over 100 different workouts you can complete at home or outdoors with either a kettlebell, your bodyweight or other pieces of equipment.


    If you are new to kettlebell training and wanting to make a purchase I’d recommend 8-10kg weight for females and 12kg for males.

    To view various kettlebell workouts and other workouts you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY_CmoKoitUm57gi3uK1Rag