Core Exercises

Bent knee lying twist

Primary muscle group(s):

Lying on your back with your arms out to your side, raise your knees keeping your feet and knees together. Brace your core and role to one side lowering your knees as close to the floor as possible. Return to the starting position and roll to the other side. Keep your shoulders flat on the floor.

Cable Kayak Rotations

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques, Abs, Serratus Anterior, Lats, Pecs

Using a cable machine, set the pulley to the highest setting. Attach rope or a straight bar. Standing upright pull the bar or the rope down and to one side and rotate your upper body. Brace your core as you complete the exercise.

Cable Woodchop

Primary muscle group(s):

Using a cable machine, raise the pulley to the highest setting. Stand side on to the cable machine and hold the handle with both hands. Keeping your arms straight and abs braced pull the cable down and across your body rotating at the same time. Return to the starting position.

Landmine Rotations

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques, Abs

Place a barbell in a landmine/torsonator sleeve. Hold the barbell at chest height with your arms fully extended. With your core braced, rotate to one side and roll the bar down to hip level making an arc type formation. Rotate the bar back to the starting position and complete the same movement on the opposite side.

Reverse Cable Woodchop

Primary muscle group(s):

Using a cable machine, lower the pulley to the lowest setting. Stand side on to the cable machine and hold the handle with both hands. Keeping your arms straight and abs braced pull the cable up and across your body rotating at the same time. Return to the starting position.

Standing Cable Twist

Primary muscle group(s):

Using a cable machine, set the pulley to chest height. Stand side on to the cable machine and hold the handle with both hands. Keeping your arms straight and abs braced pull the cable up and across your body rotating at the same time. Return to the starting position.

Weighted Lying Twist

Primary muscle group(s):

Place a Swiss Ball in between your feet. Lying on your back with your arms out to your side, raise your legs keeping your knees fully extended. Brace your core and role to one side lowering the Swiss Ball as close to the floor as possible. Return to the starting position and roll to the other side. Keep your shoulders flat on the floor.

Weighted Russian Twist Feet Raised

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet raised off the floor. Brace your core. Hold a weight plate at chest height. Rotate your body to one side. Return to the starting position and rotate to the other side.

Weighted Russian Twist

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet raised on the floor or under a bar. Brace your core. Hold a weight plate at chest height. Rotate your body to one side. Return to the starting position and rotate to the other side.

Hanging Knee Raises

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Hold on to a chin up bar with an overhand grip with your legs straight. Brace your core. Bend your knees and raise your knees up to chest height and return to the starting position. Avoid swinging your body.

Hanging Leg Raises

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Hold on to a chin up bar with an overhand grip with your legs straight. Brace your core. Keeping your legs straight, raise your legs up to waist height and return to the starting position. Avoid swinging your body.

Incline Hip and Leg Raises

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Lying on a decline bench, hold onto the top end of the bench with your hands to keep you steady. Keeping your legs straight, raise your legs to a vertical position and then push your feet up towards the ceiling. Return to the starting position.

Lying Knee Raises

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Lying oh your back with either your arms by your side or hands under your glutes. Place your knees and feet together. Brace your abs and raise your knees up to your chest. Extend your legs as low as you can without touching the floor and repeat.

Lying Leg Raises

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Lying oh your back with either your arms by your side or hands under your glutes. Place your knees and feet together. Brace your abs and raise your legs up to a vertical position. Lower your legs as low as you can without touching the floor and repeat.

Lying Scissor Kicks

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Lying oh your back with either your arms by your side or hands under your glutes. Place your knees and feet together. Brace your abs and raise one leg up to a vertical position. Lower your leg back down as low as you can without touching the floor andat the same time raise the other leg.

Seated V Sits

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Sitting on a bench with your legs over the end. Hold onto either side of the bench. With your back straight, brace your abs bring your knees up to your chest then extend your legs out as far as you can.

Vertical Leg Raise

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Place yourself in the vertical leg raise frame with your back against the back pad and forearms on the forearm rest. Brace your abs and raise your knees up to chest level and then return to the starting position.

Weighted Hanging Knee Raises

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques & Abs

Hold on to a chin up bar with an overhand grip with your legs straight. Brace your core. Hold a dumbbell or medicine ball between your feet. Bend your knees and raise your knees up to chest height and return to the starting position. Avoid swinging your body.

Ab Wheel Roll Outs

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques, Abs, Lower Back, Lat, Pecs, Triceps

Warning: You will need a significant amount of core, shoulder and lower back strength to complete this exercise.

Start on your hands and knees on the floor. Hold the ab roller by the handles with the ab roller directly under your chest. Push the ab roller out in front of you. Keep your back straight and roll the ab roller out as far as you can. Return the to the starting position without using your legs to assist you.

Band Assisted Ab Wheel Roll Outs

Primary muscle group(s):
Obliques, Abs, Lower Back, Lat, Pecs, Triceps

Start on your hands and knees on the floor. Loop a resistance band on each handle and place your feet in the middle of the band so the band is around the souls of your feet. Hold the ab roller by the handles with the ab roller directly under your chest. Push the ab roller out in front of you. Keep your back straight and roll the ab roller out as far as you can. Return the to the starting position without using your legs to assist you.

Decline Sit Ups

Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Obliques

Lying on a decline bench with your feet under the foot holds. Place your hands by your temples or behind your head. Use your abs to pull your upper body up into a vertical position and then return to the starting position.

Reverse Cable Crunches

Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Obliques

For this exercise you will need a cable machine and ankle straps that can attach to a cable machine. Attach the cable ankle attachment to your ankles and to the cable machine. Lie on your back and make sure there is enough length on the cable to allow your legs to straighten without the cable plates touching. Brace your abs and pull your knees up to your chest then extend your legs back out again as low as possible.

Swiss Ball Tuck Unders

Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Obliques, Lower Back

Set the Swiss Ball up behind you. Place both hands on the floor and place both feet on the Swiss Ball so that you are in a push up position. Brace your abs and keep your back straight and tuck your knees under your body and then extend your legs back out.

TRX Abdominal Fallouts

Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Obliques, Lower Back, Pecs, Lats

Holding the TRX in both hands with your arms stretched out in front of you. You will need to brace your abs and also activate your glutes, quads and amstrings. Slowly lean forward with your arms straight and hands together until your hands are directly over your head. Make sure your entire body is straight.

TRX Reverse Crunches

Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Obliques, Lower Back

Set the TRX up behind you. Place both hands on the floor and place both feet on the TRX stirrups so that you are in a push up position. Brace your abs and keep your back straight and tuck your knees under your body and then extend your legs back out.

Weighted Sit Ups

Primary muscle group(s):
Abs, Obliques

Lying on floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold the weight plate at chest level. Pull your upper body up and push the weight plate up over your head. Return to the starting position. You can also place your feet under a bar to assist.