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    Pork and Beef Meatballs, Zucchini Chips with Cauliflower and Parsnip Mash

    I have previously made these meatballs before however this time I have added sun dried tomatoes for extra flavour. As a substitute for mashed potato I have used cauliflower and parsnip mash. The cauliflower and parsnip has much higher nutritional value and a lot lower carbohydrate content.

    Ingredients for meatballs:
    400g of good quality mince pork
    400g of good quality mince beef
    1 egg
    1 handful of sun dried tomatoes
    Dried herbs
    Olive oil
    Salt and pepper

    Ingredients for cauliflower and parsnip mash and zucchini chips:
    1/2 cauliflower
    3 parsnips
    2 Zucchini’s
    Olive oil
    Salt and pepper

    Pre heat oven to 180
    Crack 1 egg into a large bowl and whisk
    Add pork and beef mince into bowl, add salt, pepper, dried herbs and mix well with hands
    Chop sun dried tomatoes and add to bowl
    Line a large baking tray with baking paper
    Roll portions of mince into balls and place on tray
    Place in oven for 15 minutes

    While meat balls are in oven you can prepare the the cauliflower/parsnip mash and zucchini chips

    Parsnip mash

    Chop cauliflower florets from the stalk and boil/steam until soft with parsnip
    Strain and then add to blender with olive oil and blend until a paste like texture is formed

    For zucchini chips, chop zucchini in half then lengthways into quarters
    Lightly fry in frying pan with olive oil, salt and pepper