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    12 Week Online Body Transformation Program

    Valued at $219, this limited offer is now available for only $69.95.  To take advantage of this offer click below and purchase securely through PayPal.



    Full Program Details Below

    Have you tried dieting or weight loss before and failed?  Do you have a family, a career or both and don’t have hours of spare time every day to exercise and constantly prepare meals?

    Nick Hall Body Transformations has developed a 12 week online group package designed specifically for those that are short on time and want a structured weight loss system to follow at an affordable price.

    Our 12 week online body transformation package includes the following:


    • Nutrition for weight loss e-book: We outline what causes your body to gain weight and how you can then help your body lose weight without counting calories, following a restrictive diet and most importantly depriving yourself of your favourite foods.  You’ll learn what foods have the biggest influence on your ability to store and lose fat.

    • Recipe e-book:  Create hassle free, fast, amazing dishes containing all the nutrients you need to fuel fat loss.  These meals are inexpensive, make multiple servings and are designed to make it easier to include healthy recipes for weight loss into your weekly schedule.

    • Exercise e-book:  Here you’ll find workouts designed for those who are at a beginner level or more experienced.  No gym membership required.  We’ve developed time efficient workouts that can be completed at home, outdoors, with or without equipment or at the gym.  The exercise routines are designed to illicit the biggest fat burning response in the shortest amount of time.

    • Additional benefits:  Our success diary provides you with reminders and goals to keep you motivated and on track.  Members only FAQ, unlimited email support for any questions you might have plus weekly guidance emails.


    For a limited time only, you’ll also receive two bonus recipe e-books and our 14 day detox and metabolic kickstart program valued at $29.95 absolutely free.



    What to Expect?  Results for each person are different depending on their weight loss goals.  A number of clients have achieved a 3-4kg weight loss within the first four weeks.

    “Hi Nick
    Since joining your 12 week online program I have lost a total of 6 inches and 4 pant sizes, starting off with a 2 inch loss in the first 2 weeks. This was achieved with next to no exercise. Now winter is over, I plan on continuing with the plan but also getting more exercise in..so expect to hear more from me in the coming months.”
    Juli Porter

    The total value of this package is $249 but is available now for just $69.95.

    Purchase securely through Pay Pal.